Sunday, August 3, 2008

#25 Lost in Transition

It has been a while...Its been a crazy couple of weeks.

A friend used this term last night during a chat.  She felt as though her heart was getting "lost in transition".  Do you ever feel like that?  Transition is an amazing thing.  Without it, we stay the same - we are static and immobile - and unchanging.  

But I also know that static and immobile and unchanging can be comfortable and nice.

It is winter here and I find it hard to get out of bed.  So hard in fact that I am having to stop putting my electric blanket on because the level of comfort it induces is not condusive to ever getting up.

Life is a little bit like this for me lately.  I feel like there are adventures for me to tackle, and places God is urging me to go...but these adventures can't be undertaken from the warmth of my bed.  They are outside in the cold.  They require some rugging up.  They require some discomfort as i get myself out of my warm comfort zone, and head outside into the big bad world.

So there I am.  In transition.  Uncomfortable with how comfortable I have become, knowing that its time for me to get moving.

I don't know what it is going to look like, but I know that I'm stupid if I'm disobedient.
His plans for me are for good, and not for evil.  To give me hope and a future.
I'm down for all those things.

Bring on the cold.

1 comment:

katdish said...

It's summer here. Incredibly, oppressively humid and hot. While we have a brief respite from the heat, it comes courtesy of Tropical Storm Edouard.

Stay warm as you face the cold head on.