Tuesday, July 15, 2008

#23 pretending

What is it inside of us all that feels the incessant urge to convince everyone around us that we're worth it? That we're actually really cool. That we actually have a lot to say. That we are the kind of person they should want to have as a friend.

I think its possible that we all feel the need to do this. We're all as insecure as eachother. We're all as desparate to be accepted as the next person.

What if we all just stopped pretending, and stopped trying to convince the world of our merit. What if we all just got over our insecurities and chose to walk in the contentment that we're all imperfect, that we all have awkward moments, and that we all look a bit ugly without our make up on.

I know I do.

1 comment:

katdish said...

For me, the heart of the matter is actually convincing ourselves. The whole world could tell you that you're beautiful, but if don't think you are, you're not. If we choose to see ourselves and others and God sees us, then we can love and accept ourselves and each other as He intended.